5 Things Your Medicare-Eligible Clients Should Do Today

Juliana Tom
Juliana Tom
Published on August 25, 2022

Learn about things Medicare-eligible clients should do today.

People eligible for Medicare should take certain steps when they approach eligibility. But because Medicare and other government programs can be confusing at times, some people do not know the steps to secure the right benefits. Insurance agents are especially helpful when clients become eligible for Medicare because they can help them with the process. 

Read on to learn more about the things your Medicare-eligible clients should do today then contact us at American Senior Benefits for more information. 

5 Things Your Medicare-Eligible Clients Should Do Today 

When your clients are approaching Medicare eligibility, make sure they take these five important steps. 

Consider the type of coverage they may need. Clients should think about their current health insurance and how Medicare will supplement that plan. If they have gaps in their plan now, you can help them understand if Medicare will provide additional coverage. Your clients will also need to decide if they want to purchase a traditional Medicare or Medicare Advantage Plan, which may afford different coverage at different prices. 

Think about their access to coverage. As your clients approach Medicare eligibility, it is a smart idea to think about access to coverage. Depending on where you are located, your senior clients may need to travel for specialists or inpatient care. As their agent, you can help them understand their current needs and how those needs may change in the future. If your clients have health conditions that require ongoing care, they should consider those medical needs when thinking about access to coverage. 

Plan ahead for prescription drug coverage needs. Your clients should consider whether they need to have prescription drugs covered by Medicare or not. Some people already have prescription drug coverage through their primary health insurance, so they may decide not to add this coverage through Medicare. Discuss your client’s current and future prescription drug concerns when planning ahead. Even if your client may not need it now, it does not mean they should not consider the coverage for the future. 

Determine when they will be eligible for Medicare. Your clients will need to understand Medicare eligibility rules to know when they qualify for the coverage. Because there are different ways to qualify, this time frame could differ for everyone. People become eligible when they turn 65, but some people qualify at a younger age. If your clients are younger than age 65 but are receiving social security disability benefits or railroad retirement benefits, they may qualify for Medicare before turning 65. Being diagnosed with some serious illnesses also qualifies individuals for Medicare regardless of their age. 

Decide when to enroll in Medicare. Clients approaching Medicare eligibility will need to decide when to enroll and what parts they need to enroll in. Some people automatically are enrolled in Parts A and B and other people need to take action to enroll. There are different enrollment periods to learn about and share with your clients. For example, there is a general enrollment period every year from January 1 – March 31. But your clients may also be able to take advantage of a special enrollment period if they missed the general enrollment for qualifying reasons. Finally, when someone turns 65, they may enroll anytime during the six-month period around their birthday — 3 months before their 65th birthday through 3 months post-birthday. 

Meet with your Medicare-eligible clients to help them take these five steps to ensure they enroll on time and with the best coverage for their needs. 

How Do I Learn More?
To learn more about what your Medicare-eligible clients should do today, contact us at American Senior Benefits. Our affiliated experts will be happy to answer any questions you have.

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