Check-In With Your New Medicare Clients

Juliana Tom
Juliana Tom
Published on December 23, 2021

Open enrollment for Medicare ended on December 7. This means you probably have lots of new Medicare-enrolled policyholders. People newly eligible for this benefit may not fully understand how Medicare works, or the best ways to use their benefits. 

The weeks and months immediately after the end of open enrollment are a great time to reach out to your newly enrolled clients. Checking in with them shows you care and are available to help. And when they have questions, your clients should feel comfortable calling you. 

Read on to learn more about how to check-in with your new Medicare clients, then contact us at American Senior Benefits to learn more. 

Check-In With Your Newly Eligible Medicare Policyholders 

Your clients who have recently enrolled in Medicare may have lots of questions. You can use this time to reach out to them and offer help in various ways. 

Offer to review their benefits with them. You can offer to help your clients by walking through their new benefits with them. New enrollees may not know how to use their benefits or even be aware of what they are eligible for. Offering helpful services like a complimentary Medicare policy review is one way to add more value to your clients. 

Demonstrate how to use the website. Some older customers may not feel comfortable using the website to search for providers or obtain ID cards. And as it is a government site, an easy user experience may be unlikely. Helping your customers set up their log-in and password information could be a good first step. 

Explain how to coordinate benefits. Many policyholders have other insurance in addition to their new Medicare policy. They may be confused about how to coordinate their insurance benefits with their private insurance company and Medicare. Many people have heard conflicting information online or from their doctors, so you can play an important role in helping clarify how to make the most of the different benefits. 

Help your customers find a provider. You can work with your clients to find a new provider — or to check if their current doctors accept Medicare. Many doctors and providers accept forms of Medicare, but it could depend on the plan your customer enrolled in. Some providers may not accept Medicare Advantage plans, for example. 

Upsell other helpful products. Meeting with your clients to review their coverage means you can find and point out any gaps that may exist. If customers are missing any important coverage, you have the opportunity to upsell them. For example, did your customer enroll in prescription drug coverage? Do they have other drug coverage, or should you offer them a supplemental policy? Consider each policyholder individually to determine what their needs are — then meet those needs with products you can offer to them. 

Plan in advance for upcoming eligibility. Open enrollment has ended for this year, but you can plan ahead now for next year. Review your records to identify your clients who will age into Medicare eligibility over the next few years and start educating them now. Offer them information on the different Medicare parts and Advantage plans. Some of your customers will be prepared and have a retirement plan, where Medicare plays a minimal role. Other customers require more support from you as they approach the age of eligibility.   

Final Thoughts 

Reach out to your clients who recently became Medicare eligible. Ask them if they have any questions and find out how you can help. Right after enrolling in a new health plan is a key moment for many customers, so show them you are available to help. 

How Do I Learn More?

To learn more about Medicare open enrollment, contact the affiliated experts at American Senior Benefits. We will be happy to answer any questions you have.  

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